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PORTSMOUTH—Seacoast-based nonprofit Step Up Parents received a generous $5,000 grant from the Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund to continue its mission to provide financial support to kinship families resulting from parental addiction in New Hampshire.
Anu Mullikin, chair, for the Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund said, “The Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund is so pleased to be able to help Step Up Parents continue to offer support to relatives or close family friends who step up to care, nurture, and protect children.”
The Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund makes grants to tax-exempt organizations without regard to religious affiliation for projects that help people in New Hampshire meet their basic needs. The Fund is operated by volunteer laymen and women who serve as Directors and who make recommendations to the Bishop of Manchester for grants to any organization in New Hampshire whose mission is consistent with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.
"We are so pleased to have been awarded this grant again this year as we are seeing a greater need in our state,” said Step Up Parents Founder and Executive Director, Denyse Richter. “Many of our kinship caregivers live on fixed incomes and are struggling to absorb the increased costs of everyday goods and services. Times are tough.”
Since its founding in 2019, Step Up Parents has helped 270 kinship families, giving over $120,000 in assistance with the help of generous grants like this one from the Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund.
If you or someone you know is a relative caregiver raising children of a loved one struggling with substance misuse, please visit www.stepupparents.net, call 603-319-4739, or email info@stepupparents.net.
To make a donation to Step Up Parents, please visit www.stepupparents.net/donate or mail to PO Box 1603, Portsmouth, NH, 03801.
About Step Up Parents: Founded in 2019 and based in Portsmouth, NH, Step Up Parents offers financial assistance and support to relative caregivers in New Hampshire who have selflessly stepped up to be surrogate parents to kids whose biological parents struggle with substance use disorder. We are dedicated to honoring the efforts of these caregivers, preserving their dignity, and responding to their families’ immediate needs. Step Up Parents believes that even heroes need a hand.
Original source can be found here.